
By Vaibhav Varma

This photo was taken on January 1 right after midnight in the middle of Cuba. I'll admit, this is an obscure post, but 2024 was an obscure year.

It's often said that social media is a highlight reel, so I thought I would mix it up and share some insights I learned over the past few months. I have realized that duality is a critical component of life. This year, I took 20 flights, but had 2 hospitalizations.
Ended a poor relationship, but built the best relationship l've had with myself. A rejection of religion, but a new embrace of spirituality. Several pounds of muscle gained, with several pounds of fat. 12 book read, many hours doom scrolling.

Resigning from a toxic work environment, starting a new career path. Many fun nights, many therapy sessions. And, of course, several heavenly milestones, but new ways to honour those that have passed away. It's not so much about looking for the positive in the negative - it's more about living in accordance with the flow of life's current. It's about embracing the impermanence of the situation you find yourself in. Your thoughts colour your life, and you are always in control of your mind and your actions. Discard what no longer serves you, especially what's in your head.

Be vulnerable. Be open. There's always help around the corner. What stands in the way, becomes the way. Cheers to 2025.

Vaibhav is no stranger to adversity. Through various hardships, he now finds himself immersed within the intersection of modern psychology, ancient Eastern philosophy, and Stoicism, using a blended version of these various schools on a quest towards inner peace. He now understands that his modus operandi towards inner fulfilment comes through flowing with the natural current of life, and focusing on the endeavours that truly matter. Vaibhav is studying Psychology with a previous background in political science to pursue graduate studies and work as a clinical psychologist.


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