
By Jayden Kyryluk

Our life is not measured by years, but the lessons we’ve learned. The biggest lessons are learned in the most painful moments. You know, those raw and soul defying moments, experiences and events that change everything. They change you, your perception of all around you, but most importantly your self - how you see you. Moments where your expectations are shattered, and your once clear image of the future is lost with the wind. A moment so hauntingly hurtful that you can literally feel your life ripping in two, forever running towards a direction you never even thought was possible. Our lives are hard. As a child, my dad would always say “life is hard, buddy. Get used to it.” This truth means nothing until you really live it, learn it, and finally, it clicks. Life really is hard. Things happen that don’t make sense. The sky crumbles on top of you, and you gasp for air wondering “why me?” 

Yes, you. Yes, you. It’s all meant for you. Exactly when it happened. Exactly how it happened. All those feelings you feel are meant for you, just you and only you. Lessons hurt. Our life and sense of who we are can be split in two. Do you ever look back at a consequential life changing moment and think, “I wish that never happened”? We all do. We all have regrets. But even that moment is a lesson. I don’t want to assume, but I’d wager most know deep down that every single thing that has happened to them, both good and bad, led them to where and who they are right now. Bad things happen, but we can’t let them define us. We can’t let them take over who we really are - a beautiful mosaic of every single thing that has ever happened to us. Troubling times give depth to our soul. They bring us towards a truth giving source that cannot be found in every day life. This source speaks truth to our soul and it lets us be free from the constraints we've built around our identity. If everything went right for us, we would start thinking we know exactly who we are. But when unexpected, troubling things happen - they shock us out of our constraints and free us from this robotic training of the mind from phones, laptops, thought loops, and obsession with self image. Hard times break through the shell of our being and loosen the noose of our self constructed identity. The lessons we learn with these hard times let us become who we are meant to be. Your soul chose your body to learn the exact lessons it had to learn in this life time. The things you have, will, and are experiencing are just lessons and checkpoints on your path to freedom - to the universe and God. 

When you have a difficult time with life, know that it is a sign of progress. It is a sign of growth and truth in your journey home. This is so hard to know, feel, and fully appreciate while you are experiencing sadness in the soul. But if you, deep down, know that it is meant to be in the back of your mind, you will get through it and you will tread your path as you are supposed to. 

Everything happens for a reason, and this reason can only be discovered with a lesson. A lesson can only be discovered with growth, and growth only happens with time. Flow down father time’s river like a leaf in a stream, gently moving towards the source. You are exactly where you are meant to be. Right here, right now. 

Nothing in life has happened to you. It's happened for you.


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