It’s Time to Move

By Taegan F

I’m sure everyone has heard the term “manifesting.” It is widely used as interpreted in different ways. I see it as cause and effect. A ball drops, it bounces. You put water in the freezer, it freezes. You dream of getting a promotion, so you work hard and earn it. You think certain thoughts, therefore you start to feel and act aligned with those thoughts. You must not only think, write things down, and visualize, you need to ACT. Action is the number one thing in making something come to life, but where does it all start?

It begins with desire. That feeling of intrigue and excitement. It will start to consume your thoughts until you have no choice but to act and immerse yourself in the world of this desire. A lot of the time our childhood interests light the path to what’s important to us.

I remember being young and being so enamoured by photographs and cameras. Seeing pictures on the family computer and being so curious how people could take such vibrant and quality photos, and I wanted to be one of those people. Dreaming and thinking about it couldn’t suffice. I had a hunger for photography that I could not explain. I got my first camera when I was around 10 years old. This was the next big step in my manifestation journey. 

It will not magically come to you one day; you must earn the manifestation by becoming aligned with it. If I kept all these thoughts and desires in my head, I wouldn’t have been able to get that camera. Getting the cameras also wasn’t enough for me. I had to go outside and use the camera to continue the path of this manifestation. 

You must act. You purchase the instrument, you must practice. You get the new car, you must drive. You fall in love, you must commit. You bought the plane ticket, you must go. You must show yourself and the world what it is you want, and if you become aligned with the process in receiving that desired outcome, you will most likely receive it. We’ve all heard the term “you have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. This is exactly the key to successful manifestation. In order to create the life you desire, you cannot only expect it to come to you. It is up to you to live it. 

Do the things that make you happy, that make you scared, the things that challenge you. People often get defeated when something that they dreamt of ends up being a challenge, feeling that if it was hard, it was not meant for them. This just isn’t the truth. There is meant to be resistance, it is what makes us stronger. You cannot expect to suddenly be the best photographer, the best yogi, the best musician, or the best of anything. You need to be okay with being a beginner. Lots of joy and curiosity come from being a beginner, and those feelings mixed with genuine desire is alchemical. It is the fuel to life. It is passion. 

If you want to see your manifestations through, you need to love the process, not just the outcome. If not, the journey will not bring fulfilment to you. Olympic athletes only spend so little time on the podium with their medals compared to training. That hunger I had for the world of photography 15 years ago is stronger than ever, and there’s only been few moments where I’ve felt “on the podium.”

Being truly aligned with the process means being passionate about the entire journey. You fight certain battles and struggle because you love the journey, not just where it’s taking you. You must love it, even when it drives you mad. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been frustrated fiddling with my camera, moulding clay, or losing balance on the yoga mat. But the feeling of when I overcome that challenge is like nothing else. It feels like getting a key to a kingdom, and I suppose it is, because it’s unlocking the next door standing in your way. 

You can feel when something is meant for you, and nothing will bring your desires to life like the power of authentic passion. So go ahead, leap into the unknown and let life guide you through your desires and into the reality that you deserve. You just need to move. 

Take some time to ask yourself:

• What have I been thinking of doing for a while that I just haven’t done? What steps can I take to cross this off a list?

• What are some things I loved as a child that I don’t do anymore? (you may be surprised by the joy these things may bring you now)

• Is there anything that I’m doing that doesn’t bring me any joy or curiosity? How are they bringing purpose to my life and how can I bring more joy into my life?

• What is the next step for me?

• What brings me joy that I wish I did more of?

• Is there anything I’ve been afraid of doing or saying even though I really want to? 

• What dreams would I be disappointed in not seeing come to life? (these are important, even the ones that feel far-fetched)


Taegan has been writing practically from the first time she held a pencil. By letting an unknown force take over, words, ideas, and inspirations flow on countless sheets of paper. By allowing this divine force in, not only do words appear, but her spirit grows, inspiring others to chase their dreams, follow their heart, and honour the discernment of the mind. A powerful feminine force, she honours the balance of all energies, making it her dharma to create and inspire harmony


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