The Ocean is You

By Jayden Kyryluk 

It is said the ocean is a better reflection of who we are than a mirror itself. Every wave is a lifetime, every lifetime a wave. You can step into the ocean twice, but it will be a different ocean. Constantly evolving and constantly changing, like us. When you step into the ocean a second time, you arrive with the experience that you have been there before. You are not the same, and neither is the ocean. Your cells die and are reborn, memories come and go, and every moment you are new. With every wave the ocean is reborn. Every wave a new thought, and every thought a new wave. They come and go…they come and go. Every moment brings renewal, for us and the ocean, echoing the power of growth within us. Life is but an ocean, and you are the shore. At some point, you must drift away and lose sight of it all. The shores of your identity fade away when you take off that tight shoe of who you think you are. 

Step into the ocean. Step into who you really are.


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