What Do You Want?

By Aubert Bastiat 

About 150,000 people in the world will die today. So if there was ever a time to stop holding back it's now. Stop holding back your love and share it generously with all those around you. Stop holding back your tears and grieve for the little boy within who was punished for crying. Stop holding back your f*ck, quit the porn, and channel your insatiable egos into ravishing her body, mind, heart and soul in the name of all that is holy. Stop holding back your suppressed desires to live the life, do the thing, travel the world, and be the wild human you were born on earth to be.

Tomorrow isn't guaranteed for any of us.

It all begins with being radically honest with yourself about what you truly desire.

If you want to experience something you have to become it. 

Want more peace in your world?

Discipline your mind, meditate, and cultivate a relaxed and resilient nervous system so you can ground yourself and others into the zen of this eternal now. ⁣ 

Want deeper love and intimacy in your relationships?⁣ 

Commit to doing the internal work to clear any blocks you have to giving and receiving what your heart and genitals long for. ⁣ 

Want to feel whole in yourself?⁣ 

Tend to your relationship to the little child within you who didn’t feel fully and consistently cherished, supported, nurtured, protected, and celebrated by your parents and primary care givers. ⁣ 

Want more financial resources?⁣ 

Start cultivating your gifts and share them with everyone you know, offer value to the world, tip service workers generously, circulate your currency and watch it grow. 

Want to experience the beauty of community?⁣ 

Start rallying good-hearted people together over a shared vision.⁣

I’m Aubert, a father of three boys, mystic, somatic facilitator, community leader, and visionary co-founder of Sacred Sons, a movement of embodied masculinity that transforms the lives of men from the inside out. I’m here to steward the remembrance of humanity’s birthright as sons and daughters of the Most High Creator, through deepening masculine & feminine unity in my work with men, women, couples, and groups.


  1. Wow, this is such a powerful and inspiring message, Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. I resonate with so much of what you wrote, especially the part about being radically honest with yourself about what you truly desire. I have been holding back too many things in my life, and I realize that it’s time to let go and live fully.


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